
Before posting on BIIT please read the welcome page to know more about this project.
When you’re ready get register on the platform with your name, the name of the istitution you work for, your contact email. Choose your user name and password . We’ll send a confirmation email and you’re in! welcome!you can immediately share your contributions on BIIT.
when you login, you’ll be able to manage your dashboard, on the left of your screen. here you can review the status of your articles (in review, published etc..) and you can directely access to the sections
WHAT’s the difference between a textual and a video post?
A video post allows you to explain your research in a short personal video if this suits you the best, instead of writing, although title and subtitle and link to doi and source are required anyway.
Once you decide if you prefere a video or a written post you’ll be directed to the proper form. Here you will fill all the mandatory fields. Each field has a description in case you are not sure what they refer to. Max lenght of articles is 2500 words, It’s importnat that you attach an image (max 2mb) , and it must be free fom copywright! . Nice Images can be easily found on freestock sites like pixabay, pexels or so. Best images have a 16:9 format , so horizontal, like your tv screen!
If you chose a video post, this should not exceed the size of 15 MB and must not contain music. If the video is already posted on another platform you can just write the direct link to the video in the module.
I ve submitted my post: and now what happens?
Well done! our team has already received your post, just allow us the time to review and check it and you’ll be online, as well on our social media. You can check the status of your post form your dashboard.
You can also proceed immediately to submitting another post.